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Makeup Blog

Go Greenery: The 2017 Pantone Color of the Year

  • 2 min read


Pantone color of 2017, greenery

Last week, Pantone announced its 2017 Color of the Year— Greenery— and we absolutely love the shade! Greenery is described as "nature's neutral," but to many makeup lovers it may not be that neutral. While this fresh shade might not be our next eye shadow creation, we strongly believe in the essence of the hue. "Greenery symbolizes the reconnection we seek with nature, one another and a larger purpose," says Leatrice Eiseman, Executive Director of Pantone Color Institute.

What Does Greenery Means to Us?

As a company, we strive to connect with "nature, one another and a larger purpose" regularly. Here are a few big examples:
  • It is our priority to make cruelty-free beauty products using the purest form of minerals and the most effective, natural ingredients.
  • We govern our activities by our concern for the environment and the requirements of those who use our products.
  • Philanthropic giving plays a major role in our corporate ideology. This is done in a variety of ways, from creating products that benefit the Berkshire Humane Society and Living Beyond Breast Cancer to encouraging our employees to give back to their communities.
  • Our headquarters is green too! The historic building is Gold-certified by the Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design; read more about it in Jane's interview with Preservation Magazine.
  • We feel it's important to listen to you all (our community of natural beauty lovers); we love when you share your thoughts with our Personal Shoppers and with us on social media, and we take all of your feedback to heart.
Lemongrass Love hydration spray with proceeds donated to breast cancer research In addition to symbolically connecting with Greenery, this "fresh and zesty yellow-green shade" perfectly matches our Lemongrass Love Hydration Spray. Have you tried it? The facial spritz has a refreshing citrus scent and 100% of the profits go to Living Beyond Breast Cancer!

What does Greenery Mean to You?

How you embrace the essence of, Greenery, Pantone's 2017 Color of the Year? Share your stores with us in the comments below or share pictures/video with us on Instagram by tagging @janeiredale.